Thursday 10 December 2009

White Rabbit Invite to...

White Rabbit Invite - Jane Air has a VERY important date - A Diary Date ! - aLiCe In WoNdErLaNd MaDnEsS - STrAnGe DrEaM - HeRb GaRdEn -tHe MaD mArCh HaRe WiLl Be ThErE...
Jane Air's Dating Diary is getting madder and madder by the minute !

'It is getting madder and madder by the minute' - says Jane Air

Jane Air is refusing to go on any more dates as she has a VERY important date
- a diary date !

Jane Air's Dating Diary to be published in cyberspace around June / July 2010
( date keeps changing !!! )

'And I'm running very late ! ' - Jane Air

Dating diary manuscript originally uploaded 30 June 2010

Ebook published 13 January 2011